Our Story

The thought of creating Upkazi came to our founder in early 2023 after an unpleasant experience where he engaged and worked remotely with an unknown person he met online to help complete a tech project. While it is clear he needed help from an expert for a few days, he didn’t get one. What contributed to the bad experience include lack of online platforms within the region with an end-to-end process for employing remote manpower in a flexible and safe manner.


Many Ugandan freelancers struggle to find job opportunities that align with their skills and interests. On the other hand, clients looking to hire freelancers often find it challenging to identify the right person for the job, resulting in a long and inefficient hiring process. There is an identifiable need in the market for a platform that can connect freelancers and clients seamlessly and provide a one-stop solution for all their hiring needs.

Upkazi aims to solve this problem by providing a user-friendly platform that connects Ugandan freelancers and clients in a hassle-free manner. The platform will allow freelancers to create profiles, bid on projects, and receive payment through the platform. Clients will be able to easily search for freelancers based on their specific needs and hire them through the platform, making the hiring process quick and efficient.

With Upkazi, freelancers and clients can easily connect and collaborate, resulting in a win-win situation for both parties. The platform provides a valuable solution to the problem of finding job opportunities and hiring the right freelancer, making it an essential tool for the Ugandan freelancing industry.


The Ugandan Freelance Online Platform, called “Upkazi,” will provide a solution for Ugandan freelancers who struggle to find job opportunities and clients who have difficulty finding suitable freelancers for their projects. The platform will act as a commission-based model where freelancers can create profiles, bid on projects, and receive payment through the platform. Freelancers can easily browse through job postings to find projects that match their skills and interests. Additionally, clients can browse through freelancer profiles and select the best candidate for their project. The platform aims to provide a seamless experience for both freelancers and clients, solving the problem of inefficient and time-consuming job searches and hiring processes.

What We Offer

We plug talent everywhere into the Ugandan workforce so they can work, earn decent income, and live better lives

We help Ugandan and global businesses thrive by connecting them with quality talent without geographical barriers.

Our Vision

To change how African works together.

Our Mission

To continually raise the bar of the customer experience in Uganda by using the internet and technology to help consumers find, discover and buy anything, and empower businesses and content creators to maximize their success.

Our Values

Promote competency, transparency, and excellent work delivery

Put our community and amazing team building first

Promote work without border.

Where We Are

With an office in Kansanga, Kampala Uganda, Upkazi has a safe and secure system that guarantees fulfillment, security, and value for money.

E-mail: support@upkazi.com Join Upkazi today.